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Chameleon Selling Profile


The Chameleon Selling Profile offers salespeople a tremendous amount of personalized insight into how their style creates their strengths and challenges throughout every phase of the selling process.



SKU: CS-006 Categories:


The Chameleon Selling Profile provides deep insight into how an individual is likely to sell based on their style. Successful salespeople need three things: Skills, Strategies, and Styles. They are generally taught core skills that provide the framework for navigating the sales process. They are also taught strategies, such as targeting the right prospective buyers. But many salespeople lose deals because they do not understand their style and do not adapt to their prospect’s style.


This profile helps salespeople gain an understanding of their core strengths and challenges in many aspects of the sales process. From navigating the world of virtual selling to infusing the styles into every stage of the sales process, the Chameleon Selling Profile will help take salespeople at all levels to become more successful by integrating the Eagle, Parrot, Dove, and Owl styles throughout the sales process.


The profile includes six sections:

  • An introduction to style and selling
  • Your style strengths, challenges, and ideal sales environment
  • How to become a Chameleon Salesperson, including your strengths and challenges in what you prioritize throughout the sales process, how you approach cold outreach, present your value proposition, how your competitiveness impacts success, how you manage stress, and how you deal with your easiest and most difficult customers.
  • How you sell in a virtual world, including your strengths and challenges in written communication, video meetings/webinars, and social media.
  • Incorporating the styles throughout each phase of the sales cycle, including how you Prospect/Qualify, Connect/Bond, Interview/Probe, Present/Propose, Answer Questions/Handle Objections, Negotiate/Close, and Maintain/Post-Sell.
  • Dynamic Action Planning allows you to set goals based on questions specifically selected for you based on your style.


If someone has completed the Taking Flight with DISC Profile, they do not need to take another assessment. Their style is fed directly into the Chameleon Selling Profile.

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