Innovating IDEAs
The Innovating IDEAs certification utilizes the four styles to help people tap into their natural strengths when generating ideas and bringing them to life.
Interactive exercises flow through each phase of the innovative process from the original spark of the idea through final implementation. Teams will discover how to release untapped creative potential by giving each person the opportunity to play a vital role.

Innovating IDEAs Certification
This certification follows the four bird styles through two loops of the IDEA model. Creativity relates to the inner world of imagination, while innovation relates to the outer world of implementation.
In this certification you will learn how to:
- Harness the power of personality to bring ideas to life.
- Identify the roles individuals are drawn to play as they drive creativity and innovation.
- Implement a process that promotes new ideas and transforms them into reality.
- Capitalize on individual strengths to create team synergy while generating and implementing new ideas.
- Unleash the innovative power of your team and organization, while avoiding the pitfalls that stop ideas in their tracks.
Becoming certified in Taking Flight with DISC is a prerequisite for this Certification. The lessons learned in this certification build upon the principles shared in the Taking Flight with DISC Certification.
Innovating IDEAs Brochures
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