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7 Habits Of Highly Effective People Who Understand The DISC Styles

7 Habits Of Highly Effective People Who Understand The DISC Styles

June 3, 2021

In honor of Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, I thought I’d have some fun with his model of applying seven habits to increase our effectiveness. In this case, I outline seven habits that relate to the DISC model of behavior.

What follows are the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People who Understand the DISC Styles:

1. They don’t impose their style on others – People who understand the DISC styles understand themselves and value the differences in others. They respect that we all handle situations differently and they don’t expect others to confirm to their own style.

2. They can tap into the skills of their lowest style when needed – Just like a painter that paints with all of the colors on the palette, there are times when we need to utilize a style that is not natural to us. Effective people are comfortable with their lowest style and can display those behaviors when needed.

3. They don’t use style as an excuse for behavior – It’s easy to rationalize our behaviors; harder to own them. Our DISC style should not be used as a weapon, but rather a tool for understanding why we do what we do.

4. They consider intention (the source of the action), not just the behavior itself – Instead of getting offended by the behaviors of others, people with DISC awareness have a deeper understanding of why people do what they do and they don’t let others push their buttons so easily.

5. They don’t overuse their style in times of stress – People who understand the styles can recognize when they are overusing their strengths and can self-regulate their behaviors so their strengths don’t become their weaknesses.

6. They don’t try to change other people – When we try to change others, we convey that they are not okay the way they are. Highly effective people realize that each of us brings their own unique contribution to the world.

7. The treat others how they need to be treated – People who understand the DISC styles apply the Home Rule from Taking Flight! and they consider the needs of others and treat them accordingly.

Studies show that it takes 21 days to change a minor habit. You may wish to pick one of the above habits and dedicate three weeks to working on it.

Which habit is most difficult for you?

Merrick Rosenberg

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